Our official coin will be live soon and we know that you have tons of questions to ask. We have tried to answer most of the questions and the comment section will be open in case you have questions that we've not answered. We hope to hear from y'all... hugzzz
When is your public sale?
The Quidax token public sale will take place on the 17th of MAY, 2021.
What is the total supply of tokens?
Quidax token has a total supply of 500 million (500,000,000)
How many tokens will be available for the public sale?
The public will be able to purchase 12% of the total token supply.
How does your project add to the advancement of the blockchain technology?
The Quidax platforms grants millions of people easy access to cryptocurrency tokens, as well as decentralized and centralized finance processes.
How can I buy or earn tokens ?
You can buy on Julpad Launch pad
I live in canada, can I participate during Launchpad sale?
Anyone in the world can participate apart from US Citizens and OFAC Sanctioned countries.
What is the minimum contribution to buy?
You can purchase with a minimum of $1
Do you accept other currencies?
We would be accepting USDT and BNB for the launchpad
What happens to tokens that are unsold after Public sale?
They will be burnt
Are there conferences and meet-ups lineup for this project?
We have a series of events scheduled before the Launchpad, please join our telegram for more information.
Can I purchase tokens using my credit card?
We would be accepting only USDT and BNB for the public sale, in future you will be able to fund your account and purchase with credit card on Quidax.
How many customers do you having using the platform?
We currently have over 400,000 customers on the Quidax platform.
When is QDX going to be available for Quidax Customers?
The Quidax token public sale will take place on the 17th of May, 2021.
Why should I buy the token now? Can't I buy it later?
Yes, you can buy the token later. However, you are advised to buy the token as soon as the launchpad is open to the public
Why did you decide to create your token now?
We let everything we do at Quidax be guided by customer feedback and this is in that direction and its good timing. Our ecosystem is mature to support the use cases
How do I buy it I've never used JulSwap?
We are going to share a detailed how to. It's going to be simple.
Will the QDX we buy be transferred to our Quidax wallet immediately? If not, where do we store it?
Quidax will have support for QDX after the Julpad launch.
Is there anything we can immediately use the token for?
QDX will be fees for the exchange, creating a lot of exciting fees, pay for token listing with QDX, merchant gateway, loans and other products will be coming to Quidax.
How will the voting thing work when I buy the QDX token?
You can vote on which tokens will be listed, changes to the application, product direction, either 1 QDX per vote or lock QDX to vote
Will my QDX be locked after the public sale on JulPad?
No, there won't be any lockups for the public sale.
If I have any problems with buying or transferring QDX, do I talk to your customer support or Julswap customer support?
Any issue on the Quidax platform should be sent to Quidax customer support while any issues on Julswap can be sent to Julswap customer support.
Are we going to receive monthly updates on how the coin is performing?
We will do regular updates for cryptos listed on Quidax, QDX will be part of those updates. Along with other updates about Quidax
Will I be able to trade the coin after buying?
Yes, you will be able to trade QDX on Quidax. Later on, other exchanges will follow.
Apart from Julswap, are you listing on any other exchange?
Yes, QDX will be listed on other exchanges.
Why QDX token?
You wouldn't want to miss out on a token that powers the innovative changes brought to the Quidax ecosystem.
Why the sudden change in direction and why are we just hearing about it?
We keep growing and would love our community to get the best cryptocurrency has to offer. We want the best for our community and this made us take our time to research and come up with these changes.
How do you plan to make the value of QDX grow?
We will implement among other initiatives, a token burn program.
Why should I choose QDX out of the thousands of tokens out there?
Why not? Quidax is a growing exchange and just like the many exchange tokens out there, we have made QDX unique in order to ensure the growth and value of the token for our community.
Will our QDX be safe?
Yes, they will be safe. Safety is key to Quidax
Will there be any CBN or SEC issue with QDX?
No, there will be no issues from the CBN or SEC if users appropriately follow our guidelines.
Why you want to take the presale to Julswap when you have your own exchange?
We do not own a launchpad, the presale will be done on Julpad, the launchpad for Julswap. This is part of our collaborative strategy such that will add value to the Quidax ecosystem.