Quidax exchange interface explained.
To access Quidax exchange, click “Exchange” on any of the web page headers.
Once you do, you will land on the page in the image below:
The exchange has the following sections as numbered below:
- Markets
- Recent Trades
- Charts
- Place Orders Form
- Order Book
- Market Statistics
- Trading Screen Settings
- My orders
- Markets: This shows the list of available market pairs for trading. In a BTC/NGN market for instance, the currency at the left BTC is the base currency, while the currency at the right is the quote.
In essence, the buy order in this market is to buy the base currency (BTC) with the quote currency (NGN) and vice versa. - Recent Trades: The section label trades represents the completed orders (trades) being performed on the particular market. Your completed trades are displayed with a star beside it.
- Charts: The conventional candle chart depicts price range movements during specified time periods.
The line chart is a simpler representation of price movement over time.
The depth chart is a graphical representation of the pending limit orders in the order book.
- Place Order Form: This is used to place buy or sell limit/market orders. When a limit order is placed, it goes to the order book and the open orders list. Once the order is matched (or partially matched) it will be listed in the Recent Trades section on the left.
The button to the top left of this section is to switch to market order. Any order placed with the market order either buy/sell, directly takes orders from the order book at the current market price. - Order Book: The order book lists the current limit orders resting in the market. Purple represents sell orders (or asks) and green represents buy orders (or bids). As traders place buy and sell orders in the market at different prices, the order book is updated. Orders are executed when prices match and the market price is determined.
The "1000 spread" in the illustration represents the difference between the highest bid and the lowest ask. - Market Statistics: The market statistics shows real time data of the events in the particular market you’re currently on. The 24 hour volume represents the total volume of the base traded within the last 24 hours, while the “HIGH” and “LOW” represent the highest and lowest prices of the base currency over the last 24 hours. The change represents the percentage difference in the price of the base currency over 24 hours.
- Trading Screen Settings: The icons at the top right of the trading screen are to change basic settings on the trading screen. The first icon is used to toggle notifications on or off, the second is used to switch between day and night mode. The third icon is used to display the available funds you have in the two currencies being traded in a market. The last icon directs you to the “My Orders” table.
Dayliight mode:
- My Orders: When you place limit orders, they stay on the My Orders section. You can cancel these orders from this section before they are filled.