When you try to log on from a device or location that you have not logged on from before, the system automatically stops you from going ahead after you sign in. It does this to make sure that you are indeed the one who’s trying to sign-in to your account and not someone else.
Please be informed that the code expires after a while so we advise that you use the code the moment you receive it.
If your code times out, log out and start the log in process all over so that the system can recreate new codes.
To proceed to your account after sign-in on a new device or location, you would need to add the new device/location to the list of devices/locations that you trust. We’ll send an OTP (Authorization Code) to your email and all you need to do is copy and paste this OTP into the space provided for it.
1. The page looks like this
- When you see this page, go to your inbox, open the email for this, and copy and paste the OTP here.
The email looks like this:
3. You can either copy and paste the code or input it one after the other in the box under Authorization Code.(please ensure you input it exactly the way it is as the codes are case sensitive.) Then click on the Green 'Authorize Tab".
4. This page pops up and then you click 'Yes add as a trusted device'
5. Voila! your Device or Location has been authorized.
If you need further assistance please reach out to support@quidax.com
NB; the code comes in a mail thread so there might be a possibility of using the previous code for a new authorisation. If you keep getting the wrong code error, kindly delete all authorisation mails from your inbox and they restart the sign in process afresh to get a new code.